1. Our team collects the information we need from you to apply for an LLC and EIN on your behalf so you’ll have a legitimate merchant processing business.
2. Once your LLC is formed, we help you create a business account at one of our preferred banks.
3. Then, we take that information and connect you to a thriving e-commerce store as their partner, and they are able to use this partnership to expand their existing business.
4. In exchange for offering the e-commerce store additional processing power with your LLC, you collect a monthly profit share from them.
That’s it!
The best part is:
After your time as a merchant partner, you’ll have an LLC that has helped process up to 7 figures in sales, which is favorable in the eyes of any financial institution should you choose to use that LLC for more business ventures! 🤩
Here are the requirements:
→ You must have a credit score of at least 620+
→ You must have already filed taxes for 2022 AND 2023
→ No history of bankruptcy
→ You must reside in the U.S.